Journal of a Tired Indie Writer~Pt. 2


 Welcome back journal of my embarrassing writing habits, hard-discovered tips, and writing progress.

I did not miss you.

 Anywhooo~ onto the entries!!

Saturday | All-day


    Welp, we tried journal.

    Around work, I was supposed to do massive writing today. I was to go to one of my favorite coffee shops and visit my wonderful baristas and friends and get some writing in. However.... I was so tired and I ended up sleeping in, and despite the fact that I still had time to go- my brain kept insisting that I'd missed my window and I should've gotten up earlier for it if I was going to go.

So then I cleaned.

And when I wasn't cleaning, I was staring at the computer screen (thinking about writing) before seeing something else to clean in the house.

Then it was time for work, and OF COURSE I was too freaking tired after my job to sit down and write even just for a few minutes that at this point I desperately need.

Journal, today we admit that I'm the worst with procrastinating and that if I'm not up early enough for things or ready by a certain time for something then it's just too late in my mind for it even if I actually still have the time. short, I suck  -_-

Sunday | 9:26 am

    Today was my day off from work, and after yesterday's failure to get ANY writing in, I made sure I was up early and ready to go straight to the coffee shop to write as much as I could!

(My regular coffee shop opens at 7am but I don't like to bug places right when they open so I usually wait about 30 minutes to 1 hour after they've opened before I go in and order and sit down.) So at 7:30 I went in and ordered my usual hot coffee and found a table to sit at.

I love to have a table to the side, right at a window, so I can people watch or get lost looking out at the view whenever I have to pause. I hate being at a table in the middle of the room *shudders*.

I started writing, and so far have had so much better progress than recently.

 There was no procrastination once I had my coffee and was sitting. The words started flowing, and though I'm a slow writer that doesn't get as much done as some other authors, I was so happy with my progress!!

I paused to jot this down, but I'm gonna jump back in journal! 

Wish me lots of luck!!


Sunday | 1:14 pm


 Alright journal, I'm stopping here for the day. I feel so happy with my work for the day, I was able to buckle down and just write and got so much done! I've just finished because now I can't ignore how hungry I am, so I'm going to head home and get some lunch!

I'm pretty sure I won't get any more writing done today, but I'm happy regardless with my progress so YAYY!!! 

Thursday | 6:11 pm


 JOURNAL guess what?!

My husband and older brother love to go to a card shop to play Magic: the Gathering on Thursday evenings, I used to play the game when I was younger but it's been so long now so I will go with them but I just watch and don't join in really.

Well anyways, so I noticed that in the plaza right by the card shop, was a bakery and I happened to be very hungry, so I excused myself to go check it out. It was a bakery cafe! They had amazing coffee and table to sit and write at, and wonderful food.

It just so happened I'd brought my notebook with me too ❤👀 So of course, I sat and sipped coffee and wrote for a bit before returning to the card shop. 

It was so lovely!! And it's my new writing spot on Thursday nights!

I find it very embarrassing at times, but fun to write these snippets of what my writing days and times actually look like.

I'm majorly bad with procrastinating, but hopefully one day I'll get better with it! (I very strongly doubt it this.)


 How about you lovelies?

How has your writing projects been going, or what does your writing days look like typically?? Do you procrastinate like I do or a little differently?

Please let me know, I'm super curious!

Lots of love,

