Under The Oak Tree by Suji Kim | BEST BOOK EVER

OKAY back story before I get into this review! (I'M SO SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW LOL) *all the happy squeals*

 So Under The Oak Tree by Suji Kim, started as a manwha (for those that don't know this is basically like a webtoon comic), and I found it and fell utterly and completely in love with it. I had so hoped that one day it would be translated and turned into a book series, and low and behold~ here it is!!

Clarification: the author did write a book series and the comic came after, but the series is not in english so finding a translation of it is rather hard.


I'll share the book's details before getting into my review!!

Under The Oak Tree the novel Vol. 1 by Suji Kim

Synopsis: Most fairytales end with a wedding and a happily-ever-after—but this is no fairytale. The updated and official translation of Under the Oak Tree, the #1 webnovel on MANTA.

Lady Maximilian is the daughter of the powerful Duke Croyso, but she is rarely allowed outside her family’s sprawling castle for fear that her stutter will tarnish their noble name. When she is forced to marry Sir Riftan, a lowborn knight caught in one of her father’s schemes, Maxi doesn’t dare hope for happiness, let alone love. Her stumbling communication and his gruff manner sour their relationship before it can begin, and Riftan leaves without a word the morning after their vows are exchanged.

Now, three years after their disastrous wedding night, Riftan has returned as a war hero. To Maxi’s surprise, despite rumors that he was offered marriage to Princess Agnes, a beautiful and renowned sorceress, Riftan still wants Maxi for his wife. And when he comes to claim her, his longing becomes a desire that bewilders Maxi, even as she is overcome by the scorching heat that Riftan’s presence ignites within her. As she learns to navigate the intricacies of her new life, Maxi will find herself and her courage, and discover that she is anything but powerless.

This volume collects chapters 1-76 of the original webnovel by Suji Kim.

        ~My Thoughts~

**Thank you to the author and Random House publishing group for the ARC and opportunity to read this novel, all thoughts & opinions are my own though.**

First thing you need to know about this, is there are trigger warnings. And some things were a lot more graphic in the novel than in the comic.

I personally found parts easy to skim over if that helps, but there is a lot of steamy scenes, the main character has been abused by her father for her whole childhood, and her husband takes her by force on the wedding night really. The main character was very sheltered and in the dark on 'marital duties' and so it was terrifying to her for a number of reasons.

This does not happen again, but it is something to know and not be blindsided about.

Next, this is such a gorgeous story, with amazing characters with struggles that are realistic and make you want to cry and hug or cheer them on. There's just so much to love: the romance, the world & magic, the characters and their journey, etc.

Maxi is a duke's daughter that was abused throughout her childhood, she stutters, and had an arranged marriage to the commander of the Remdragon knights.

Riftan is the commander, Maxi's forced husband, who has scares from a fierce battle and is preparing for more.

They both have flaws, struggles and scars. They both are loyal to each other and grow in a love that you can't help but cheer for and adore. There is a lot of struggles with miscommunication and misunderstanding because of their pasts but it just sucks you in all the more.

Healing, identity, learning to trust and love, these are all throughout this first book of the series and it's beautiful to read.

The world is fantasy with magic, monsters, and set with another threat of war as the backdrop. Need I say more?

I rambled about this to my husband and I told him, I think this series is actually my favorite book series ever. 
And you guys know how I love my lists of favorite books lol, but this one just from where the characters start to where they go and just everything-- I love it!!
Highly recommend if you're looking for the first in a fantasy romance series with major character growth, magic, & monsters!

All the love & happy reading,
