The Dead Girls Club by Damien Angelica Walters | A Complete ARC Review with Terror & Thrill

*I received an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review, my thoughts and opinions are my own.

Title: The Dead Girls Club

Author: Damien Angelica Walters

Publication Date: December 10th, 2019~

Genre: Thriller, Suspense, Horror, Adult, Fiction


  Synopsis:  A supernatural thriller in the vein of A Head Full of Ghosts about two young girls, a scary story that becomes far too real, and the tragic--and terrifying--consequences that follow one of them into adulthood.

Red Lady, Red Lady, show us your face...

In 1991, Heather Cole and her friends were members of the Dead Girls Club. Obsessed with the macabre, the girls exchanged stories about serial killers and imaginary monsters, like the Red Lady, the spirit of a vengeful witch killed centuries before. Heather knew the stories were just that until her best friend Becca began insisting the Red Lady was real--and she could prove it.

That belief got Becca killed.

It's been nearly thirty years, but Heather has never told anyone what really happened that night--that Becca was right and the Red Lady was real. She's done her best to put that fateful summer, Becca, and the Red Lady, behind her. Until a familiar necklace arrives in the mail, a necklace Heather hasn't seen since the night Becca died.

The night Heather killed her.

Now, someone else knows what she did...and they're determined to make Heather pay.

Mysterious. Thrilling. Suspenseful and downright creepy at times! 

  Heather was a perfect protagonist for this kind of book, though frustrating at times, but it was hard to not get tied up with how her story was told. We get flashbacks of little Heather with Becca and her other friends and their secret club that traded murder stories. And then we see adult Heather who seems to be haunted by Becca or someone else- who knows what she did to Becca.

If the plan was to make Heather go insane with terror, they succeeded. 

  The Dead Girls Club had the perfect plot and I loved the dynamic of the younger girls and how it was told, thought I did still have questions that were unanswered I did like the ending. I gotta say, I did not expect that kind of ending for this book.
  I think the characterization for the young version of the girls definitely helped sell the story and book.

 [My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐] [3.5 stars!!]

Have any of you heard of this book yet? Is it on your TBR?? What did you think???

Also, I'll be doing another post soon to let you guys know of some changes to the blog coming soon!! :D

Thanks for reading!!
~Books with Noel


  1. You always manage to put new books on my radar!!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  2. This sounds promising! I love that title and how creepy it sounds haha. :)

    1. It was! The only downside I could think of was not everything completely explained as I'd expected and how Heather sometimes acted.


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