My Blogger Friends + New Blogs! ~ 8

Blogger Friends + New Blogs! is something I do every Saturday to share and support my favorite blogs, new bloggers, authors, and friends. I do a handful in each post, and do not share any of my own posts- this is strictly for you guys!

Books and Things

Another new blog I discovered! It's probably only new to me though xD
A book review for Magpie's Song by Allison Pang!

Keep On Reading

Elle is back!! She's done a couple posts for us already, but one was an awesome review of To Kill A Kingdom!

Paperback Princess

PaperbackPrincess gave an enlightening review of Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer, for her creative writing class they went back over it and discussed some things that were previously missed!

Owls Reads

Shares their Wednesday meme of what they're currently reading, just finished, and have lined up next!


Esther does the Do I Have That Book? - Tag, and gives a review of House of Lords!

Girl Plus Books

Tanya gives a book review: My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren

Once Upon A Chapter

Brings up a discussion point: How do you best utilize your library in your TBR planning??

Arvenig did a Mini Review for Colored- The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin. This blog is one I've visited multiple times since I started blogging- they just don't update as much so I don't visit too often.

I only have a few blogs to share this week, but believe me- next week will be a much longer list! :)

Thanks for reading, go check out some good blogs!!
~Books with Noel


  1. These posts make me realize that I follow a lot of blogs. I like these blogs too!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Haha, let me know if you have any suggestions for blogs to visit!

  2. I might need to nose around some blogs and try to find a few horror and apocalypse fans!

    1. The Scary Review is one I found today, here's the link!

  3. Tanya is a favorite of mine. We like a lot of the same romance authors, and I love chatting with her about books.

    1. I recently made a friend who happened to love the same author as me and we had like a two-hour ranting session lol!

  4. Thanks for sharing my post, Noel! PS: do you prefer being called LaNona now, or still Noel? :)

    1. Noel will always be my preference :) But I don't mind either way.

  5. Thank you for the shout out <3 I follow a lot of these blogs already, but it's always nice to see them around :)

    Elle @ Keep on Reading


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