My Weekly Pull | 11 |

  My Weekly Pull is something I do every Wednesday to show which anime or manga I had pulled for myself that week. My friend Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? hosts My Weekly Pull for comics that she has read or is reading, so make sure to check her out because it was such a cool and fun idea that I asked if I could do it for anime and manga as well as comics!

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Last Week's Anime...

Last week I started Code: Breaker and actually ended up finishing it in two days! This anime was very captivating once you got into it- as in past the first episode. Since there were only 13 episodes it was rather nice.
Apparently, the anime was quite a bit different from the manga (which is finished), so to find out everything I have to go find the manga!

This is one of those animes where you love the villain and almost everyone- and then since they're on different sides you die on the inside 😁
I definitely suggest giving the anime a try though, I loved the ending scene and the implication of it. And then if you decide you want more of it- go for the manga!

Last Week's Comics...

Justice League VS. Suicide Squad Vol. 2

 The cover I showed you guys in last week's post was another version of the cover that I liked a bit more than this one (which is the actual cover I have).
This series is so good, I had my doubts at first but the Justice League VS. Suicide Squad comics are better than the spiderman ones I read!

This Week's Anime...

I'm a little bit doubtful but also excited for this week's anime, it's one my brother suggested to me (hence why I'm wary) and is fairly new as I understand.

Angels of Death

We'll see how it is!

This Week's Comics...

I am loving the comics I've been reading lately, so I'm very excited about this week's pick!

Justice League VS Suicide Squad Vol. 3

What are you currently reading or watching? Have you heard of any of these?? What are your thoughts?

Thanks for reading!
~Books with Noel


Justice League VS Suicide Squad Vol. 1
Justice League VS Suicide Squad Vol. 2

Code: Breaker 


  1. Angels of Death looks awesome! And the Justice Vs. Suicide squad looks great too. I'll have to check those out.

    Ash @ JennRenee Read

    1. So far they're really exceeding my expectations!

  2. Justice League vs Suicide Squad looks kinda awesome! I love that second cover where they're all being held in tanks? Makes me want to read it! :)


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